Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Week 4 EOC: My App

Have you ever had a baby who wouldn’t stop crying no matter what you tried to do to have them calm down. You tried feeding them, burping them, changing their diapers, rocking them to sleep even singing to them. But nothing seems to work. The only thing you can focus on is what it is they are trying to say to you. Don’t think you are the only one who gets frustrated when this happens and you surely wont be the last. I’m here to tell you that it is ok and that I have a solution that I know can help. I have designed a app called My Babies Cry Out Translator. You can register your baby on this app by filling out the basic information about what sex your baby is, how old they are and much more. There is a small silicone bracelet that you place onto your baby’s wrist so when they cry it will be close enough to hear within hearing distance instead of being by their mouth. By placing it onto their wrist you wont risk losing the bracelet. It will be tight enough just incase your baby flings their arms around it wont fly off across the room. To have this app work you will need to download the voice activated translator that you could use without even opening it up on your phone. It works no matter what you are doing on your phone. Playing a game, texting, watching videos, on the internet or even on the phone. As soon as you hear them cry you will instantly hear a voice translate what it is your baby is trying to say. You will be able to better tell whether your baby is sick, hungry, tired, made a mess in their diapers, in danger, or anything. With this app you will never have to worry about anything ever again.     

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